quinta-feira, 4 de abril de 2013

AULA PROGRAMADA – 04-04-2013

Atividades de Inglês – review

3º ano D-E
“Read and answer:
I always wake up at 7:00 from Monday to Saturday. I usually have breakfast at 7:30 and I always eat a slice of bread and have a glass of milk. I usually take the bus at 8:15 to go to work. I always start my work at 9:00. I am a teacher and I love English. I usually finish my work at 6:00 p.m. and I go home to have dinner. I always go to college from 7:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m., and I sometimes go to bed around midnight. On weekends, I never I watch TV because I always go out with friends. We all go to a club and have fun”
1-     About the text:
a) Qual o assunto abordado?
b) As palavras em negrito pertencem a que classe gramatical? Classifique-as .
2-     O texto apresenta Prasal verbs? Indique-os e descreva a situação de uso.
3-  Tendo como base o estudo do Present Continuous e as frases a seguir, responda.
I – Many people are using bicycles for exercises.
II – Bikes are popular.
III – Exercises is only one of the reasons.
IV – Many people prefer bicycles to cars.
Quantas frases estão no Present Continuous?
a) todas.
b) nenhuma.
c) uma
d) duas.
e) três
4-  A frase” I usually take the bus at 8:15 to go to work” está em que tempo verbal?
a) Present Continuous                        b)  Past continuous                     c) Simple Present     
d) Simple Past                                e) N.D.A
5- Todas as alternativas abaixo trazem advérbios de frequência, exceto:
a) Seldon
b) Well
c) Never
d) Often
e) Monthly
1º Ano F


1- Identifique a frase que utiliza o verbo “to be” na forma negativa CORRETA:

a) Alice and Nancy isn’t in my house.

b) The blue car aren’t expensive.

c) She and I aren’t Brazilian.

d) We isn’t American

e) N.D.A.



2 - Sobre o uso do verbo TO BE, identifique a oração que foi escrita CORRETAMENTE:

a) Marcos are tired.

b) My parents is very old.

c) The student is very intelligent.

d) Ana and I am friends.

e) N.D.A.



3 - Complete as frases abaixo com os pronomes que substituam as

palavras sublinhadas. Em seguida, marque a seqüência CORRETA:

1. The mouse is in the house

____ is in the house.

2. Is Peter a doctor?

Is____ a doctor?

3. Susan is French.

____ is French.

4. Bob and Jack are in the kitchen.

____ are in the kitchen.


a) he – he – she – they

b) it – it – she – he

c) it – he – she – they

d) he -  she-  she – they

e) N.D.A.


4- Marque a  alternativa correspondente a forma interrogativa  da frase abaixo :

 “Microscope is a modern instrument.”


a) Does  microscope is a modern instrument?

b) Do  microscope is a modern instrument?

c) Is microscope a modern instrument?

d) Microscope is not a modern instrument?

e) N.D.A.




2º ano D-E


1-Marque a alternativa que corresponde à forma interrogativa da frase:

 “She is going to do a English exercise.
ä) Did she going to do a English exercise?

b) Does she going to do a English exercise?

c) Is she going to do a English exercise?

d) Going she is to do a English exercise?

e) N.D.A.


2.  Use o Possessive Case corretamente:

The women's room is here, and the _______ one is there.
( O quarto das mulheres é aqui, e o dos homens lá.)
a) mans’      
b) men'
c) men’s
d) mens's
e) of men’s


3- Tendo como base o estudo do Immediate Future e as frases a seguir, responda.


I –  My football team is going to win.

II – The students are busy now.

III –Many people prefer bicycles to cars.



Apresentam esse tempo verbal:

a) Apenas I

b) Apenas II

c) Apenas I e II

d) Todas

e) N.D.A.