terça-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2012

Exame final – noturno 2012

Profª Tânia



1º ano

Personal Pronouns

Verb to be (present)

Simple Past Tense (regular- irregular verbs)

Plural of nouns

Simple Future – will



2º ano

Immediate Future ( going to)

Prepositions of place

Present Perfect Tense

Modal Verbs: can, may, should, must, ought to

If Conditionals



3º ano


Past perfect: ( had + particípio)

Relative Pronouns

Passive Voice

Reported Speech - Direct  Indirect Speech




Personal Pronouns

Verbo To Be- ( presente),  formas: afirmativa, negativa, interrogativa.

Articles: definite and indefinite  ( A,  AN)

Plural of nouns

Modal  verb  CAN ( formas: afirmativa, negativa, interrogativa).

Reflexive Pronouns





Quinhentismo (Literatura de Informação/ Literatura de Catequese)






Simple Past: regular/  irregular  verbs

Simple Past: affirmative, negative, interrogative

Simple Future ( will)

Present Perfect

Past Perfect


2 ª Fase A- Literatura


Pré – Modernismo

Semana da Arte Moderna

Modernismo – 1ª , 2ª e 3ª fases

Manifestações literárias em Mato Grosso do Sul


sexta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2012

Reported Speech
Uso: O "Reported Speech" (discurso indireto) é usado para relatar o que aconteceu em um diálogo, sem qure precisemos usar aspas ou fazer citações. Ex.: Direct Speech --> He said: "I don't want to go to school." Reported Speech --> He said he didn't want to go to school. OBS. para relatar uma frase que foi dita por alguém usamos um verbo introdutório: (said, told, explained) e a frase dita, com as devidas alterações . Veja a tabela da apostila.
Exemplo Simple Present- Simple Past- He said: "I want some oranges." -He said he wanted some oranges.

1- Marque o Reported Speech correspondente as frases em destaque:
 Tom said, 'I want to visit my friends this weekend.'
a) Tom said he wants to visit his friends that weekend.
b) Tom said he wanted to visit his friends that weekend.
c) Tom said he wanted to visit his friends this weekend.

Jerry said, 'I am studying English a lot at the moment.'
a) Jerry said he was studying English a lot at that moment.
b) Jerry said he was studying English a lot at the moment.
c) Jerry said I was studying English a lot at that moment

They said, 'We have lived here since 2010.'
a) They said they have lived there since 2010.
b) They said they lived here since 2010..
c) They said they had lived there since 2010.

2- Assinale a alternativa que complete corretamente as frases abaixo:
1. Mary "I love chocolate." Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ chocolate." a. loved b. loves c. loving
2. Mary: "I went skiing." Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ skiing." a. went b. had gone c. have gone
3. Mary: "I will eat steak for dinner." Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ eat steak for dinner."
a. willing b. will c. would
4. Mary: "I have been busy." Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ busy."
a. had been b. has been c. was being
5. Mary: "I was swimming." Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ swimming.
a. has been b. had been c. have been

Para saber mais: Assista ao VÍDEO do Youtube: Vestibulando Digital Inglês Aula 23 Reported Speech

sábado, 20 de outubro de 2012

Aprender a Aprender

Neste dia, estamos na Escola Adventor Divino de Almeida, participando de uma capacitação profissional sobre BLOG, ministrada pelo professor Danilo Nogueira, A referida capacitação tem por finalidade promover conhecimentos para melhor utilizar tal ferramenta tecnógica no processo de ensino e aprendizagem.

terça-feira, 21 de agosto de 2012


Student: _______________________________ N º ________-

                                                     SIMPLE PAST

 Os verbos no passado se dividem em dois grandes grupos: regulares e irregulares.

Para se construir o passado, os verbos regulares recebem como terminação “D/  ED/ IED.” Já os irregulares possuem forma própria ( LISTA).

Ex. She worked hard yesterday . ( regular). - Ela trabalhou muito ontem,

 You slept early last night. (Regular) – Você dormiu cedo a noite passada.


Read and translate the text below - leia e traduza o texto abaixo.

Last year

I visited my mother and studied French. I didn’t have many problems and I made a lot of friends. I went to the USA and learned English a lot too. I saw different places and had time to take pictures. I didn’t drink beer, I drank only soda. I ate barbecue and slept late on weekends. I started a business and worked a lot. My business helped me learn and understand things. I didn’t want to live in the USA because I love Brazil. My life changed and I had many things to do every day. I also finished what I started in 2003: an English course. I didn’t lose anything, I only won. This was the best year of my life. Everything went fine.                                    
By Paolo Johnson

- Last year: ano passado
- Made: fiz
- Went: fui
- Saw: vi
- Take pictures: tirar fotos
- Went fine: deu certo
- Many things: muitas coisas

2. Comprehension: answer the questions about the text - responda as perguntas sobre o texto:
a. Who did Paolo Johnson visit last year?

b. What languages did he learn?

c. Where did he go last year?

3. True or False - verdadeiro ou falso
a. Paolo had a lot of problems. (.....)
b. Paolo didn't make many friends. (.....)
c. Paolo worked a lot last year. (.....)
d. Last year was the best year of Paolo's life. (......)

4- Circle all verbs in Simple Past Tense and classify: regular or irregular.

segunda-feira, 6 de agosto de 2012

ATIVIDADE COMPLEMENTAR – 3 ° BIMESTRE/ 2012.                                       Aluno (a): ______________________ n° ______- 3 ° ANO C – NOTURNO                

 Relative Pronouns: who/which/ where/whom/whose/that                    

O pronome relativo introduz a oração que indica a qual  pessoa, animal, coisa  se faz referência. Ele está relacionado com o termo antecedente.

Who: QUEM, quando falamos ssobre PESSOAS.
which: O QUAL/ A QUAL (s), quando falamos sobre ANIMAL/ COISA.
whose: CUJO/ CUJA, dando idéia de POSSE “de quem.”
Também usa-se that após superlativos e palavras como: everything, all, anything , much, little, the only.     
where: ONDE, relacionado a LUGAR.
whom: QUEM, para PESSOA.  Geralmente aparece após preposição.                       
Veja alguns exemplos:                                                                             

This is the boy who played rugby                                                                
Este é o garoto quem jogou rugby.

This is the car which had an accident.
Este é o carro o qual teve um acidente.                  

 This is the boy whose mother works for the BBC.
 Este é o garoto de quem a mãe trabalha para o BBC.



1- Complete with correct relative pronoun: who/which/ where/whom/whose               
a) Algebra problems contain letters ____________ stand for unknown numbers. 
 (Problemas de álgebra contêm letras as quais substituem números desconhecidos).
b) Euclides da Cunha was the writer __________ wrote Os Sertões.                          
(Euclides da Cunha foi o escritor quem escreveu Os Sertões).
c) A dictionary is a book ___________ gives you the meaning of the words.                
 (O dicionário é um livro o qual dá a você o significado das palavras).
d) I live in a dormitory __________ residents come from others countries.                
 ( Eu moro em um dormitório onde os residentes vem de outros países).
e) This is the man ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­______________ house is on fire.                                                 
 (Este é o homem de quem a casa está em chamas).
f) Thank you very much for your e-mail _____________ was very interesting.  
( Muito obrigada pelo seu e mail o qual foi muito interessante).
g) The person about _____________ you are talking is my friend.                                       
 ( A pessoa sobre quem você está falando é minha amiga).

2- Circle the correct Relative Pronoun:                                                                           
a) Everything _____________  he says is true. Where / whom/   that                                
b) All __________ glitters is not gold.   Whom / that / who   

3- Mark the correct substitute Relative Pronoun:                                                 
This is the soft-drink which I like the most.                                                                      
 a) whom      b) where     c) that      d) who        e) whose